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Research & Databases

America's News
Explore and stay informed on local and national topics, people and events in areas such as business, health, education, jobs and careers, political and social issues and more.
America's News Magazines
Provides a comprehensive collection of reliable news sources covering a wide array of topics and issues.
Consumer Reports
Access ratings and reviews for 9000+ products.
Newspaper Source Plus
Provides a full-text digital collection of the world's major news content.
Riverside Landmark
Covers 2005 - Present.
Riverside Suburban Life
Covers 2007 - 2013.

Alt HealthWatch
Focused on complementary, holistic and integrated approaches to health care and wellness.
Biography Reference Center
Provides thousands of unique and reliable full-text biographies
Britannica Library
The go-to reference resource for all ages.
Consumer Reports
Access ratings and reviews for 9000+ products.
Consumer Health Complete
Provides access to full-text consumer health magazines. It also includes searchable full text for current health pamphlets.
Ethnic Diversity Source
Covers the culture, traditions, social treatment and lived experiences of different ethnic groups in America.
Education Resources Information Center is an authoritative database of indexed and full-text education literature and resources.
Learn more about Riverside Library's genealogy collection.
History Reference Center
Full-text journals, magazines, reference books and thousands of primary source documents.
Illinois General Assembly
Illinois state legislature homepage, with access to compiled statutes.
LGBTQ+ Source
Provides scholarly and popular LGBTQ+ publications in full text, plus historically important primary sources, including monographs, magazines, newspapers and videos.
MAS Complete
Contains full text for hundreds of popular magazines and e-books covering news, politics, science, sports, culture and more.
Online health service of the National Library of Medicine (NLM), the world's largest medical library, which is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection
Provides access to hundreds of full-text journals and offers particularly strong coverage in child and adolescent psychology and various areas of counseling.
Religion & Philosophy Collection
Full-text database for theology and philosophy research.
Science Reference Source
Provides full text for hundreds of science magazines, journals, reference books and high-quality videos.
Who Represents Me
Directory of Elected Officials for Cook County.

Student Research
Academic Search Complete
Encompasses a selection of academic disciplines, offering access to 1,359 active full-text journals, along with abstracted and indexed journals.
Academic skill-building, test prep and career-related resources.
Literary Reference Plus
Includes thousands of synopses, critical essays, book reviews, literary journals and author biographies, plus full-text classic novels, short stories and poems.
MasterFILE Complete
Popular full-text magazines, reference books, videos and other sources covering virtually every subject area.
Middle Search Plus
Full-text database providing popular middle school magazines, reference e-books, and thousands of primary source documents and videos. Subjects include history, current events, science and sports.
Points of View Reference Center
Provides rich content that can help students assess and develop persuasive arguments and essays, better understand controversial issues and develop analytical thinking skills.
Primary Search
Includes full text for the most popular children's magazines, e-books, and easy-to-read encyclopedic entries written specifically for kids.

Professional Research
Containing bibliographic records from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Library, AGRICOLA provides millions of citations relating to the field of agriculture.
Business Source Complete
Encompasses a selection of business disciplines, offering access to 491 active full-text journals, along with abstracted and indexed journals.
Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition
Covers nursing and allied health topics, including pediatric nursing, critical care, mental health, nursing management, medical law and more.
Legal Source
Keep up to date with current legal issues, studies, thoughts, and trends.
Library & Information Science Source
Full-text database for studies in library and information science.
Professional Development Collection
Full-text electronic information especially for educators, professional librarians and education researchers.
Regional Business News
Provides full-text regional business publications for the United States and Canadian provinces.
Small Business Reference Center
Collection of state-specific resources with demographic data and other information to meet the needs of small business owners and entrepreneurs.
Vocational & Career Collection
Full-text coverage for trade and industry-related periodicals for high schools, community colleges, trade institutions and the general public.

DIY / Home / Auto
Auto Repair Source
Powered by the automotive experts at MOTOR, Auto Repair Source provides library users with the most accurate, authoritative and up-to-date “do-it-yourself” service and repair information for thousands of domestic and imported cars, SUVs, vans and light trucks.
Hobbies and Crafts Source
DIY database of leading full-text hobby and craft magazines, hobby profiles, recipes and videos to inspire creativity and nurture extra-curricular interests.
Home Improvement Source
Detailed, user-friendly “how-to” information covering a variety of do-it-yourself home improvement and repair projects.
Small Engine Repair Source
Provides detailed, user-friendly repair guides for all manner of small engines, from motorcycles and ATVs to generators and outdoor power equipment.

Reference eBooks
Biography Reference eBook Subscription
Reference books from top educational publishers and university presses.
eBook Subscription Business Collection
Access to thousands of e-books dedicated to the study of business.
eBook Subscription Cricket Media Collection
(Pre-K to 8th grade) This unique e-book collection explores a wide range of subjects to help young readers explore and expand their worlds.
eBook Subscription Diversity & Ethnic Studies
This groundbreaking collection includes thousands of high-quality e-books assessed by EBSCO Collection Development Librarians on the topic of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
eBook Subscription High School Collection
Classic literary works, important historical documents and general reference materials.
eBook Subscription K-5 Collection
A wide variety of fiction and non-fiction e-books.
eBook Subscription K-8 Collection
A wide variety of fiction and non-fiction e-books.
eBook Subscription 6-8 Collection
A wide variety of fiction and non-fiction e-books.
eBook Subscription Public Library Collection
Features titles for both adults and juveniles, as well as best-selling and recommended titles from leading publishers.
History Reference eBook Subscription
Reference books from top educational publishers and university presses.
Literary Reference eBook Subscription
Contains reference books from top educational publishers and university presses.
MAS Reference eBook Subscription
Titles covering a broad range of general reference subjects, including biography, history, careers, language arts, literature, government, health, math, science, current events and social-emotional health.
MasterFILE Reference eBook Subscription
Rich selection of titles covering a broad range of general reference subjects, including biography, history, architecture, literature, cooking, health and wellness, science, self-help, religion, current events, sports, travel and more.
Middle Search Reference eBook Subscription
Broad range of general reference subject coverage for middle school students, with topics including social studies, math, history, language arts, technology, geography, culture and science.
Primary Search Reference eBook Subscription
Encompasses a broad range of general reference subject coverage for primary school students, with topics like social studies, history, language arts, geography, culture, math and science.
Science Reference eBook Subscription
Rich selection of titles covering science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
Small Business Source eBook Subscription
Rich selection of titles centered on sustainable and ethical business practices for small businesses.
Spanish & Portuguese eBook Collection
Thousands of high-quality e-books assessed by EBSCO Librarians.

Readers' Advisory
Book Collection: Nonfiction
Book Collection: Nonfiction is a cross-curricular database providing abstracts and searchable full text for thousands of popular nonfiction books.
Database of reading recommendations.
NoveList K-8
Helps you find just the right book for your younger readers.
World Cat
A global catalog of library materials.
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